

How am I ever gonna get rid of this pain and stress ?

‘I have tried everything, how am I ever gonna fix this?

It’s time to ask your own body what it needs. Time to find what is most important and focus on it.

‘Finding balance through kinesiology is a powerful lifelong learning tool’

Feel focused and grounded and start embracing life again. Listen to yourself at the deepest level as you learn to give your body, mind and spirit the space it needs to heal itself.

How can I get my energy back ?

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a healing modality originally developed in the early 60’s by Dr George Goodheart. He discovered many relationships between mind, body & energy systems.

Kinesiology works with the nervous system using muscle testing to identify stress in the body. It works holistically looking beyond the symptoms, assessing emotional mental, physical, nutritional and energetic causes.

We do not diagnose. prescribe or cure as such, rather re-establish balance in the body so that it can activate its own innate healing mechanisms.  Giving you access to better performance, success in relationships, more fulfilling career, enhanced learning, improved communication and healthy physiology.

It is used for development delays, stress and injury management. Its actual purpose is peak performance.

Kinesiology is an integrated, self driven healing system that turbo charges your ability to face any hurdles in your life.

What is Muscle testing?

As a majority of our physical, emotional, and mental processing occurs outside of our awareness, muscle testing is very effective way to pinpoint key happenings at an unconscious level. Most often we use the arm or leg muscles. You hold your arm and I put pressure on it. Its that simple as we put other information in the circuit it will direct us to the areas where there is weakness or stress between brain and body and everything in between.

We test across the body’s crucial areas and systems, most commonly organs, glands and muscles as well as the digestive, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. Finding blocks in the systems can bring back healing flows

How long does a session take?

First session can take up to 2 hrs. Usually 1 - 1 1/2 depending on the goal.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a session?

  • If you wish you can send me a short email with any relevant info and your birthdate.

  • Think about why you are coming. What do you want to change?

  • What is affecting you most and why?

  • Be well hydrated and bring your water bottle.

  • It is always good to be as clear headed as possible. Get a good rest the night before, no intoxicants.

On the day

  • Be ready 5 minutes prior to scheduled session time

  • Wear comfortable clothing to sit or lie in

  • Where possible allow time after your 1-hour session to assimilate the new information you’ll receive, before heading back in to your normal life routine

Is it safe and suitable to have with other treatments?

It is a recognised natural therapy. It is guided by you. Sessions are conducted with the client on a treatment table, in a chair or standing, (depending on clients preference). The treatments are non invasive. You will remain fully clothed and your comfort is a priority during the session. Everything you share is confidential.

There are different streams of kinesiology that cover different methods for finding and relieving stresses in the body, both physically and mentally. Through muscles testing we have the tool to decide what is the appropriate approach for the individual to get the best possible results.

We do not interfere with or replace any medical interventions you are currently having. What kinesiology does is clears any possible blocks to getting the most effective results from your other treatments. If stress disappears and healing results then we have had the best results.

What can I expect in a session ?

I am completely focused on your needs.The first consultation starts with an intake that is a snapshot of where you are physically, mentally and emotionally in your life. How current and past stressors are affecting you. You choose the area you believe working on will deliver the most impact on your quality of life.

I use muscle testing to assess and  to direct me to blockages and stresses on your nervous system. I work with you to release those Imbalances.

How much is a session?

$150 first session 

$100 for any remaining sessions 

Special offer Pay for 5 sessions get 4th one free. 

Intensive mentoring with emergency sessions included.

What modalities do you use in a session?

Here are some of the tools I choose from to enhance neurological, physiological and energetic pathways to optimise flows in your systems

  • emotional and trauma counselling

  • felt sense work

  • Chinese Medicine 5 element theory.

  • lymphatic massage.

  • muscle release, using reflex, trigger and acupressure points

  • remedies, such as flower essences & essential oils.

  • lifestyle assessments

  • sound healing

  • massage including myofascial release.

Why would I try kinesiology?

IKinesiology gives you power back over your healing

It address’s the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual symptoms and causes. 

Looking at you as a whole person in your situation

It can have effectively be used to addresss

Long term chronic disease

Injury recovery

Learning disabilities 

Anxiety, stress & nervous disorders

Trauma emotional & physcial

Muscle and joint pain. Shoulder/Neck pain

Muscular disorders

Exhaustion & low vitality and confidence


Allergies, asthma & phobias

Nutritional imbalances 

Sleep problems


Digestive issues 

brain fog

Grief/depressive tendencies

Weight gain

emotional overwhelm


PMS & Menopause 

Reproductive issues 

performance anxiety in work/school/exams/sport, 

All these ailments all leave you living short of your highest potential.

My Kinesiology balance sessions, draw on eastern wisdom and western techniques that are non-invasive, gentle treatments to improve these health ailments holistically.

In what ways has kinesiology helped you ?

Improved mobility with old injuries

Cleared longstanding emotional trauma

Released self sabotage


-issues blocking me from thriving,

-suppressed emotions blocking self esteem,

-old family patterns and beliefs, 

-blocks to learning & healing 

Opening to receive abundance love support 

Thriving on purpose 

Relationship & communication issues

Staying on purpose

Sped up healing of injuries

More self care, love and confidence.

What kind of Kinesiology session will be good for me?

Essential Energy Flow session

1 – 1.5 hours

Good if you are:

Struggling with pain, stress or blockages

Feeling Stuck

Feeling hopeless

Experiencing compounded trauma

Chronic disease

If you are feeling stressed, are in pain, confused or unable to live with the vitality you yearn for, Essential Energy Flow sessions are designed for you.

Distilling the Essence session

1 – 1.5 hours

Good if you are:

In transition

Feel you could go either way

Feeling ungrounded

Unable to make decisions

The Essential Energy Flow Session is perfect when it is time for a new direction, a significant change in life or careers, or a turning point in the seasons to reset and invite new energies into your life.

A 15-minute introductory phone consultation can give you more information. Call me now to connect.                       or

Fill in your details below and let me know you want to access the 50 % off offer for your first session. I look forward to working with you.

Restorative Guild session

1 – 1.5 hours

Good if you are:

Looking for your purpose

Want to know what you do matters

Need to have more love for yourself to truly enjoy your life.

Recommit to yourself. Expand into a renewed relationship with your sacred self. Reveal emotions that are holding you back. Acknowledge, accept and transform.

Experience the rising self as we restore our interconnected place in nature.

Contact Louise to book and get 50% off your first kinesiology session.

0417 830 040


Po Box 339

Wilcannia NSW 2836

Subscribe to my mailing list to get all my latest news and creative inspiration including where you can connect with me (I’m a free spirit and love to travel around this beautiful country).

FAQ’s : The Poet : Circus : Aunty Louise

The Poet

Are you psychic?

Can you teach me to do that?

How can we have the Poet at our event?

Circus Tribe

Where does Louise do workshops?

Mentoring young people

Each child is unique some need an out of the box mentor who has a tool kit of skills to expand their perspective of what is possible for them.

Through the vehicle of poetry, circus, writing or artistry of any kind Louise can lead your child through weekly or seasonal online sessions that will delight and expand their ability to engage wonderful experiences for theselves.

Where in the world is Louise ?

Artists Residence : A unique experience

Artists Residence : A unique experience

Broken Hill :Mondays and Tuesdays

In person Kinesiology sessions

The Poet’s Garden Wilcannia

Time to let your fears go and find a new way of being in the world.

Wilcannia is a place like no other and Louise lives a meditators life. Chop wood, carry water. Live your art with heart.

Join her on a sabbatical or on your journey.

Autumn & Winter 2023

Online sessions available

Wed - Sun In person appointments at

Time for your own truth telling and living your best life.

Be met exactly where you are at and be supported to move into the new paradigm that is ready for your presence.